”A society free from poverty and, a society that is socially and economically self-reliant.”

BOD has been envisioned as a national leader of innovation and a key actor in the social and economic development sector working towards the development of a sustainable society that promotes and protects equality, social justice, human dignity and Human Rights for all; a society free from poverty and, a society that is socially and economically self-reliant.

Our vision gives us a sense of direction and destination. It captures our aspiration of being the best in everything we do. It is the basis for what we all stand for as one organization. Our vision and values guide our choices and decisions.

To realize its visions, BOD:

  • actively contributes to the social and economic development of communities in which it operates.
  • adopted a culture that is conducive to learning, embrace of change, agility and resilience.
  • networks with other organization.
  • remains rooted in rural communities.
  • creates new knowledge and taps in the existing networks of information.
  • contributes to discussions and debates in the development sphere.
  • collaborates with state institutions to promote common objectives.
  • has set goals and clear objectives.
  • regularly assess progress, learns, adapts and makes corrections to its path.
  • has a robust governance structure that is designed to ensure organizational credibility, compatibility and endurance.


BOD implements and facilitates relief and development programs in agriculture, economy, education, infrastructure, and social services – towards improved livelihood of rural communities in Afghanistan. We facilitate programs that enable rural communities to identify, frame taken their social and economic problems themselves.  This is done through the mobilization of social, human and economic capital that already exist within the communities.

We facilitate rural development programs for disadvantage and marginalized rural communities in Afghanistan. Our activities include but are not limited to service delivery in the sectors of health, education, agriculture, nutrition, employment and access to justice.  BOD conducts research, exchanges knowledge, conducts evidence-based advocacy, organizes literacy and social awareness raising programs, implements informal and community-based education programs.

BOD remains focused on helping rural communities realize self-reliant development; to achieve this end, BOD enable the rural and marginalized people at the grassroots level and takes all necessary initiatives towards the empowerment of communities to self-determine, develop a sense of citizenship, and actively participate in the development of their communities.